Canvas FAQ: How to Overwrite a File in Canvas

Canvas FAQ: How to Overwrite a File in Canvas

Example: An Instructor might want to update their Syllabus Document on Canvas, this document is linked in several places in the course - so the instructor wants to Overwrite the File in Canvas so they do not have to update all of the links.


Example being used, overwriting a Syllabus Document.

Semester 1

  • The instructor initially uploads a Document to the Syllabus Area with their current Syllabus. We recommend using the generic File Name: Syllabus

Semester 2

The instructor has created a new course site for the new semester and copied the course content from last semester forward. They want to update their Syllabus by overwriting the file.

First, download the original syllabus from the Canvas Course and update it.

  • To do this, go to the Canvas Course Site

    • Select Files

    • Select the Elipses next to the file you want to update. Select Download from the dropdown menu.

  • Update the Syllabus on Word

    • Save the document under it’s original name; for this example, we would name the document “Syllabus”

  • Next, upload the new Syllabus Document into Files

  • Because the file name you are uploading matches the file that already exists in Canvas. A box will pop up notifying you of this, select Replace. The file is now Overwritten!

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