Creating New Course Announcements

Creating New Course Announcements


You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. Review the [[announcement behavior article]] to understand how announcements behave in unpublished courses.


  1. In Course Navigation Menu, click the Announcements link.

  2. Click the Add Announcement button.

  3. Type a title for the announcement in the Topic Title field and add content in the Rich Content Editor.

  4. By default, Canvas will send your announcement to all sections within your course. To select specific sections for your announcement, click the Post to drop-down menu and select sections from the list provided.

  5. To add an attachment to your announcement, click the Choose File button.

  6. To schedule your announcement for a future date, check the box next to the Delay posting option.

  7. To allow users to comment on the announcement, check the box next to the Allow users to comment option. You can require users to comment before seeing other replies by checking the Users must post before seeing replies option.

  8. The Enable podcast feed option allows you to distribute recorded video or audio announcements for users who want to subscribe through external podcasting channels. This option is limited to recordings created directly inside the Rich Content Editor (attached and linked files will not be passed in the feed). It’s generally recommended that you keep this setting disabled.

  9. To allow students to like announcements and replies (react with thumbs up), enable the Allow liking option.


To receive notifications for announcements created by you, as well as replies to your announcements, ensure that you have the correct [[notification settings]] enabled. Students who have disabled announcement notifications will not be notified of announcements you create.