Canvas FAQ: How to Hide/Unhide what Courses I see on my Canvas Dashboard and Courses list.

This article demonstrates how to hide and unhide courses from your Dashboard and Courses List in Canvas.


  • Select Courses from the Blue Navigation Menu on the left-hand side.

  • Select All Courses

This area allows you to control what enrolled courses you see and don’t see on the Course Dashboard and the Courses list in Canvas.

  • Un-select any Stars next to courses you don’t want to see.

  • Select the Stars next to courses you do want to see.

  • Navigate back to the Dashboard and confirm the changes have taken effect.

Note: The default behavior for the Canvas dashboard is to display all current (open) courses. Using the favorites feature to customize your dashboard overwrites the default behavior; be sure to manually star your current courses if you’d like them to continue to appear on your dashboard.

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