Grading Group Assignments in SpeedGrader

Grading Group Assignments in SpeedGrader


Canvas Group Assignments can be graded using SpeedGrader, just like a standard assignment. Depending on assignment settings, the instructor may assign a single grade for all group members, or individual grades for each team member.


  1. Click the Assignments link in the Course Navigation Menu.

  2. Click the Assignment you intend to grade.

  3. On the assignment page, click the SpeedGrader button on the right-hand side of the page.

  4. You can now use SpeedGrader to grade submissions and provide feedback.

  5. If you are using the Assign grades to each student individually option in the assignment settings, you will be able to assign individual grades to each group member. If this setting is not used, the Group Names will appear instead of student names, and the applied grade will be assigned to all group members.

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