Creating and Managing Canvas Assignment Groups

Creating and Managing Canvas Assignment Groups


Assignment Groups allow you to group together similar assignments and organize the activities in your your course. When Assignment Groups are set up, you can weight the final course grade based on assignment groups.

Creating New Assignment Groups

  1. In the Course Navigation Menu, click the Assignments link.

  2. Click the Add Group button.

  3. Type the assignment group name in the Group Name field.

  4. Click the Save button to confirm the changes.

Reordering Assignment Groups

  1. You can move and reorder assignment groups by clicking the Drag Handle icon directly to the left of the group title and dragging the group to a new location.

  2. You can also move the group by clicking the Options icon on the right side of the group title and selecting the Move Group option. Select the new placement for the group, then click the Move button.

Moving Content Between Assignment Groups

  1. To move all content from one Assignment Group to another, click the group's Options drop-down menu and select Move Contents… . Select the Assignment Group to which the content should be moved. You can optionally specify to place the content in a specific location under the new group.

  2. You can move individual assignments between Assignment Groups by clicking the Drag Handle Icon directly to the left of the assignment title and dragging the item to a new location.

  3. Individual assignments can also be moved by clicking the Options icon on the right side of the assignment and selecting the Move To... option. Select the Assignment Group to which the assignment should be moved. You can optionally specify to place the content in a specific location under the new group.

Deleting Assignment Groups

  1. To delete a group, click the Options icon to the right of the assignment group title.

  2. Select the Delete option from the list.

  3. If the assignment group has content in it, Canvas will ask you if you want to Delete its assignments (default) or Move its assignments to another group. When you are finished, click the Delete Group button.