Sections in Canvas

Sections in Canvas are used to segment the users in a class. Examples of where Sections can support teaching are:

  • Lab courses with multiple sections

  • Teaching several sections of the same course/content at different times - the instructor can set up One Canvas Course that contains different due dates for each section.

    • This is a great way to manage an Accessibility Accommodation where students require early access to course content.

  • Students Completing an Incomplete can be easily handled, the instructor can go into the past Canvas Course the student was originally enrolled in and create a section so that only the student working in the course has access.

Enrollment Changes Alert

Students enrolled in manually created sections in Canvas will not be dropped from a course in Canvas even if they drop in PeopleSoft.

Contact the Boise State Help Desk to request the students be made “inactive” after dropping the course.


Step 1: Get “Section Teacher” Super Powers

  • The standard “Teacher” role does not allow for Section Creation.

  • Fill out the Section Teacher Request Form to request a small permission change that will then allow you to create Sections.

  • While we are often able to get back to you quicker, we do ask that you allow for 24 business hours for this role adjustment to be completed.

Step 2: Create a Section

Help Article from Canvas Guides: How do I add a section to a course as an instructor?

  • Log into Canvas.

  • Go to the Canvas Course Site.

  • From the Course Navigation Menu, select Settings.

  • Select the Section Tab.

  • In the text box below, type in the name of the new Section.

  • Select the blue + Section button.

  • You will now see the new Section listed, click on the section name to edit it.

Select Sections Tab. Create new sections by entering a name into the box on the bottom of the screen and select Add Section button

Edit a Section:

  • On the new page, select Edit Sections from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • The Section Name is already listed, but you can edit it from this screen.

  • SIS ID - don’t change.