Canvas Course Roles

Canvas Course Roles

This article explains the different Course Roles available in Canvas.






All the permissions an instructor needs to actively create and manage a course. Must create course shells and add users through Middleware. Teacher can create, edit, and delete course content in Canvas. Teacher can manage grades. Teacher can not manually add people to the course in Canvas.

Course Administrator

Same permissions as a Teacher with the expanded permission to add users to a course. This role is intended for Department Admins in Plan Site courses and eCampus IDCs in the course development stages. Faculty have the Course Administrator role in Sandboxes courses.

Section Teacher

Same permissions as Teacher, with the expanded ability to create new Sections in the course.

TA (Teaching Assistant)

Similar permissions sets as a Teacher. This role can not create sections, manage the course state, manage learning outcomes, or add or remove users.


Has all of the functionality of a Teacher with the exception of editing grades in the grade book.

Designers cannot create, edit, or delete New Quizzes


Observers can view course data but cannot participate in all Canvas areas. Observers may be added to a course to observe the course. Enrolling the guest with an observer role allows access to course content without being able to affect any course data or participation. Cannot view grades data unless the Observer is assigned to a particular student.


Can view but not edit course content. Can edit grades.


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