Artificial Intelligence
Here are the knowledge resources regarding Artificial Intelligence and their use as a working tool for Boise State Staff.
NOTES: For Boise State Staff AI Training project that we've been working on in Learning Technology Solutions (LTS). Below is a brief outline of our four-pronged approach:
AI Brownbag Series for Staff – We’ve drafted a series focused on AI-related topics for staff. Jill Heney is actively involved in the planning and will be a guest speaker for several sessions. We’re also coordinating with Kevin Rank, who runs faculty-focused Brown-Bag Sessions every two weeks. Once we have a website to share, I’ll send it your way.
AI Tools - AI in Education Website – We’re working with the website admins to ensure all AI-related resources, including those we create, are accessible to the university community through the existing AI in Education website.
TALK Knowledge Base – As we develop each session, we are also creating corresponding documentation and learning resources in the TALK knowledge base, which houses Learning Technology documentation.
University Training – We are exploring whether to leverage existing AI training courses or develop custom training tailored to Boise State’s needs.