Canvas SubAccount Roles
This article explains the different SubAccount Roles available in Canvas.
Canvas SubAccount Administrator Roles
SubAccount Admin: This is the broadest role available to users at the department or program level. This permission will most likely be assigned to the program’s non-production course area within Canvas (i.e., the program’s AUX account).
This role allows the user to do the following.Create, Edit, or Delete non-production courses.
Add or remove users from non-production courses.
SubAccount Admin Assistant: This role is one step lower than SubAccount Admin.
This role allows the user to see everything in the SubAccount.
Live Course Admin: This role allows access to the department or program’s production courses. Production courses include any courses taught face-to-face, as a hybrid, or remote, or, for fully online programs, their online course sections.
This role has no control over enrollments. The role is intended for departments or programs that:Perform their own technical support.
Copy courses from the non-production account (i.e., the AUX SubAccount) into live. teaching/term sites for the faculty.
Monitor all “live” courses.