Scheduling Meetings

Scheduling Meetings

Zoom offers multiple methods to schedule a meeting. This article guides meeting hosts through the setup and recommended settings for secure meetings. Go to Resolving Unexpected Behavior In Meetings for additional tips on creating a safe and secure meeting space.

Meeting hosts have control over their scheduled meeting settings except where a Boise State administrator has locked a setting (e.g., Boise State disabled “join before host” for all accounts).

A host can schedule meetings using any of the following methods:

  • Your Boise State Google Calendar by selecting Make it a Zoom Meeting.

  • The Zoom web portal (recommended).

  • The Zoom desktop client or mobile app.

  • A Zoom plugin (available for Chrome, Outlook, and Firefox).

  • Through Canvas via the Zoom LTI.


  1. Log in to the Zoom web portal, client, plugin, or link in Canvas.

  2. Click on the Schedule icon.

  3. Enter your desired settings. Refer to some of our recommendations below.

  4. Click Schedule to finish.

After you schedule the meeting, you may see an option to add the meeting to your Google calendar. Be aware that changes to the Google invite or changes to the meeting in your portal or app, may not transfer between one another (e.g., deleting a meeting scheduled in the Zoom portal will not delete the corresponding Google invite).

Recommended Settings

Time Zone: Set the time zone appropriate to the meeting participants. For Boise, that’s (GMT-6:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada). If your time zone default is incorrect, fix it in your profile settings.

Recurring Meeting: Set as needed. Managing recurring meetings can be challenging especially if a meeting event needs to change. Go to Scheduling a Recurring Meeting for more information.

Meeting ID: Use Generate Automatically for Meeting IDs when scheduling. Meeting IDs append to the meeting URL. Using your personal meeting ID is like giving out your cell phone number.

Passcode: Use the default provided or create your own. Go to Using Meeting Passcodes for more information about passcodes.

Waiting Room: Enable the waiting room to ensure only meeting invitees join the meeting.

Authentication: For meetings where Boise State faculty, staff, or students are the only attendees, require BSU SSO settings. Attendees must have logged into their Boise State Zoom account at least once.

Video: For small meetings, consider setting video to On for host and participants. And for big meetings, set video to On for host and Off for participants.

Audio: Allow both Telephone and Computer Audio so people can call in if they need to.

Other Options: Check Mute participants upon entry for large meetings.

Alternative Hosts: Add a Boise State faculty, staff, or student if you need someone else to start the meeting for you. You can learn more about Zoom meeting roles in the Zoom help center.

Do not automatically record meetings. Click the record button after you have started the meeting.

Go to Meeting Settings for more information on the options available while scheduling.


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