Recording Zoom Meetings

Recording Zoom Meetings


This article covers recording options and how to share a cloud recording of a Zoom meeting.

Zoom Cloud Recordings at Boise State are automatically sent to Panopto for Boise State faculty, staff, and students. Access at boisestate.hosted.panopto.com.

Zoom Cloud Recordings at Boise State are automatically deleted off Zoom 6 months after the meeting occurs. 

Local Recording

Local recording saves a copy of the meeting as an MP4 file to your computer. If you wanted to share a meeting saved to your computer, you would need to place it in a shared space or email the file so others can view it. Video files can be fairly large especially if your meeting ran long. For this reason, we recommend taking advantage of Boise State’s Cloud recording options.

Cloud Recording

Cloud recording will save the video to the cloud, where it can then be streamed. You can still download the video as an MP4 if you like.

Sharing Cloud Recordings

  1. Go to boisestate.zoom.us/recording.

  2. Locate the meeting.

  3. Click Share in the last column.

  4. In the share recording pop up, you can

    1. Copy the link.

    2. Use the toggle to select who can view the link.

    3. Share with specific people.

    4. Edit and save share settings.

  5. Click the X to close the pop-up.

Share options defined:

  • Publicly allows anyone with the link to access the recording.

  • Only Authenticated Users Can View limits access to Boise State accounts.

  • If you want others to be able to download the recording, toggle on Viewers Can Download.

  • If you want to require viewers to fill out a registration form before viewing, toggle on On Demand (registration required).

  • To set a password for viewers to enter before viewing, toggle on Password Protection and type the password into the input field.

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