Meeting Settings

Meeting Settings

Option Name


Option Name



Choose a topic/name for the meeting.


Select a date and time for your meeting. You can start the at any time before the scheduled time.


Choose the appropriate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes – the meeting will not automatically end.

Time Zone

By default, Zoom will use your computer's time zone. You can change this with this option.

Recurring Meeting

Choose if you'd like a recurring meeting.

Host Video

Choose if you'd like the host video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will still be able to start their video.

Participant Video

Choose if you'd like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the participant will still be able to start their video.

Audio Types

Choose whether to allow users to call in via Telephone Only, VoIP only (computer audio), both, or 3rd Party Audio (if enabled).

We recommend allowing both computer and phone audio options.

Require Meeting Password

You can set a password for the meeting.


Add to any selected calendar and send out invites to participants.

Advanced Options

Click the Advanced Options dropdown to see the options below.

Enable join before host

This setting is not permitted at Boise State.

Mute participants on entry

This will mute all participants as they join the meeting.

Use Personal Meeting ID

Check this if you want to use your Personal Meeting ID. If not selected, a random unique meeting ID will be generated.

Record the meeting automatically

Check this if you want the meeting to be automatically recorded. Select if you want it to be recorded locally or to the cloud.

Schedule For

If you have scheduling privilege for another user, you will be able to choose who you want to schedule for from the dropdown.

Alternative Hosts

Enter the email address of another Zoom user with a Boise State Zoom account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence.

*Note: the person must sign in one time at boisestate.zoom.us in order to get a Boise State Zoom account before you can add them as an alt-host

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