Starting Meetings on the Fly

Starting Meetings on the Fly

This article guides meeting hosts through multiple ways to start a meeting.

Zoom App

We recommend the Zoom app for the best in-meeting experience. If you haven’t already, visit Boise State’s download center to download the Zoom desktop client app to your desktop or laptop.

  1. Open the Zoom app and sign in using SSO. Select Open Zoom Meetings, if prompted.

  2. Select New Meeting. Optionally, click the down arrow to adjust your video and meeting ID before starting your meeting.

  3. Click Invite in the bottom toolbar.

  4. Click the Email tab.

  5. Select an email provider or click Copy URL in the bottom left of the window.

Zoom Web Portal

The web portal has fewer features available to you while in a meeting. We recommend the Zoom app, but the web portal will work in a pinch.

  1. Go to https://boisestate.zoom.us/.

  2. Click Host Meeting.

  3. To prevent Zoom from opening the app, click on the click here to launch the meeting option, which will make a smaller footer appear.

  4. Click start from your browser.


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