Canvas Syllabus

Canvas Syllabus


This article provides an overview of the Canvas Syllabus.

Make the Syllabus Available to Users

screenshot of canvas course.  Settings is highlighted in the Left Navigation Menu.  Navigation tab highlighted. Syllabus option highlighted.


  1. If the Canvas Syllabus is not available in a course, select Settings from the course navigation menu.

  2. Select the Navigation tab.

  3. Locate the Syllabus and either drag-and-drop the item to the desired location on the top/visible menu or select the three-dots, select Enable.

  4. Select Save from the bottom of the page.

Create the Syllabus

The Canvas Syllabus is a designated course menu location for the Instructor to post their course Syllabus. The format can vary from attaching a file, to embedding a Google Doc, to typing the syllabus within the Rich Content Editor.

  • Due Dates for all course items can also be shown on the Syllabus page by checking Show Course Summary check-box. The item must contain a Canvas Due Date in order to appear on this list.

  • Select Update Syllabus button to save any edits.

Screenshot of the Edit Syllabus page.  Rich content editor. Highlighted the Checkbox for Show Course Summary.  Highlight the Update Syllabus button.


Pro Tip! Syllabus as Canvas Home Page

The Syllabus page can be set as the Home Page for the Canvas Course if desired. To set the Syllabus as the Canvas Home Page:

  1. Go to the Canvas Course you wish to edit.

  2. Select Home from the course navigation menu.

  3. Select Choose Home Page from the right-hand menu.

  4. A new box will open up, select Syllabus.

  5. Select Save. The Syllabus will now be the Home Page for the Course.

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