Adding an External App (LTI) course level integration to Canvas - for Instructors
This article outlines the process for instructors to add an existing “External App” to a canvas course. This process it’s usually referred to as adding an LTI App integration into a Canvas course. LTS also recommends SARB review for any student-facing applications.
Note: Prior to adding an external App, instructors should contact the targeted App company to obtain a consumer Key and shared secret. In addition, the App vendor account fees and course materials should also be stablished for the LTI to work properly.
Navigate to course Settings.
Click the Apps tab from the top menu.
Select from the External Apps the application you'd like to install. (For example, McMillan App)
Click + Add App on the application page.
Enter the consumer Key and Shared Secret and click Add App.
Contact the App vendor in order to obtain instructions for adding an assignment, URL link, or a course navigation menu link.