Piazza in Canvas

Piazza in Canvas


Getting started with Piazza and links to external support documentation

Piazza is now a PAID product. It is not institutionally funded at Boise State. Please check with your Department Chair or Program Coordinator to see if you have access to a license.

Piazza is a kind of forum where any student in a class can ask a question, or contribute a response to a question that has been posted by someone else. Instructors and TAs are able to moderate items posted in Piazza, and may choose to answer a question themselves or endorse or correct a response that a student has posted.


Piazza is minimally supported by Boise State. Piazza is integrated into our Canvas environment, so you can use it with any of your Canvas courses.

For set-up consultation and initial support, schedule with LTS. For ongoing troubleshooting (on behalf of faculty or students), contact Piazza directly first.

For Instructors:

  • Log into Canvas and select a course you are an Instructor in.

  • Select Settings from the bottom of the Course Layout Menu.

  • On the Settings Page, Select the Apps tab.

  • Type “Piazza” into the Search Bar

  • It will appear in the search; click on the Piazza App.

  • Select + Add App button.

  • Fill in the Consumer Key and Shared Secret provided by Piazza when you purchase their product.


For students:


Piazza and Boise Sate have a FERPA agreement in place as of Summer 2020. This means that Piazza complies with data privacy and security practices for FERPA-protected data.

However, if faculty request students to use Piazza for class, they should alert students that some student data (not FERPA-protected) may be shared with third parties via the Piazza Careers platform. Piazza Careers is a recruitment tool that by default, is turned on with new accounts. Students should visit their settings page and un-check the Careers box. For more information about what types of data may be shared visit the Piazza Terms of Use.

Relevant Information

Have a suggestion?

Email us! lts@boisestate.edu

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