April 2024 Canvas Deploy Notes

WHAT IS THIS? This Blog is made up of curated notes taken from the official Canvas Deploy Notes; the goal is to highlight upcoming changes and improvements to Canvas at Boise State University.

  • To do a deeper dive on any of these topics, please follow the provided link to the full list of Canvas Deploy Notes.

  • Boise State University does not subscribe to all functionalities that might be included in the Canvas Deploy Notes official webpage. If you have questions about the Boise State Canvas instance, please email LTS@boisestate.edu.

WHO IS THE AUDIENCE? Boise State Faculty and Staff.

  • Occasionally some small changes will impact Students in Canvas, these changes should be communicated by Faculty to their impacted Students.

  • Large changes in the user interface will be communicated to all Boise State Users in advance.

WHY SHOULD I READ THIS? This Blog provides a running list of changes/improvements that have been made in Canvas. Users who work on a rotating contractual basis could find the listed updates helpful in “catching up” with any changes in Canvas during their time away from teaching.

WHEN WILL THE NEXT BLOG BE RELEASED? LTS plans to update this Blog on a monthly basis.

Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-04-10)

Canvas Release Notes (2024-04-20)


  • TOOL: Submission_Type_Selection Update

  • IMPACTED: Instructor

  • CHANGED: In Assignments, external tools using the submission_type_selection placement have an updated interface in the Assignment Submission Type field. This update displays the configured icon, name of the tool and a description. The update improves cohesion and enhances the overall visual aesthetics of the Canvas user interface.

example of Submission Type choosing a Submission Tool, this tool has an icon and descriptor along with a title of the tool


  • TOOL: Archive Grading Schemes

  • IMPACTED: Faculty

  • CHANGE: At the account and course-level, the Grading Schemes page interface is redesigned. Additionally, admins and instructors can archive grading schemes as well as edit the name and description of grading schemes currently in use. This functionality increases flexibility when managing grading schemes. View Video explaining the archiving feature.

Rich Content Editor

  • TOOL: External Tool Icon

  • IMPACTED: All Users

  • CHANGE: LTI keys created at the account level without icons in the Editor Button placement automatically display a default icon with the first initial of the tool’s name in the Rich Content Editor. This update provides consistency and ensures all LTI tools display in the External tool menu.

screenshot showing a custom button for the external tool

New Quizzes

  • TOOL: Item Analysis Report Additional Data

  • IMPACTED: Instructor

  • CHANGE: The following data is added to the Item Analysis report:

    • Essay and File Upload- Score distribution chart, CSV support

    • Numeric-Answer Frequency Summary, Aggregation and CSV support

This update provides additional information on specific question types for instructors to evaluate student responses and provide appropriate intervention.

Moderate Page for New Quizzes

  • TOOL: Raw Points and Percentages on the Moderate Page

  • IMPACTED: Instructor

  • UPGRADE: On the New Quizzes Moderate page, a configure icon is added allowing instructors to switch between percentages and raw points in the score display column. This feature improves reporting flexibility and grading system alignment.

  • TOOL: View Log Question Position

  • IMPACTED: Instructor

  • UPDATE: In New Quizzes the Moderation page View Log includes the question position of the answered question. This update allows instructors to easily verify the question position as students complete quizzes.

Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-04-24)


  • TOOL: Message Students Who Total Columns

  • IMPACTED: Instructor

  • UPGRADE: In the Gradebook, the Message Students Who option is available in the Total column. Instructors can message students with a total grade higher than a specific grade or message students with a total lower than a specific grade. This update provides additional messaging opportunities not specific to an individual assignment.