Understanding New Analytics in Canvas
Instructors can use the New Analytics tool to the Canvas LMS.
(Original Article: What is New Analytics?)
What is New Analytics?
New Analytics is a tool that analyzes student grades and participation compared to their classmates.
Things to know about New Analytics:
Be sure to save data that you wish to preserve, it will only be visible in Canvas for 14 days.
Data is refreshed for published courses in the New Analytics dashboard every 24 hours.
Course Activity Report data may be delayed by up to 40 hours.
Only active and completed student enrollments are included in the data for New Analytics.
Deleted or inactive user enrollments do not generate data.
For New Analytics to display in Canvas, third-party cookies may need to be enabled in your browser settings.
New Analytics data does not display for unpublished courses.
Because mobile page view data is based on device settings and network connection, it may vary from the time the page views actually occurred. Page view data should not be used to assess academic integrity.
Give Feedback to Canvas: Users participating in New Analytics can provide feedback in the New Analytics User Group about future analytics feature development.
When would I use New Analytics?
Currently, New Analytics allows instructors to track average course grades for student submissions using an interactive chart graph or table.
Data is for viewing only and cannot directly be changed.
Page views and participation metrics include an aggregate across all devices, including Canvas mobile apps.
Accessing New Analytics
You can access New Analytics from the New Analytics button located on the right-hand side of the Course Home Page.