Using iClicker in the Classroom

Using iClicker in the Classroom

The instructions below assume you have already set up iClicker in your course. Go to creating an instructor account and creating an iClicker course to learn more about setting up your course.


Students must install iClicker from the app store or sign into the browser version before participating in classroom activities.

  1. Click the iClicker Cloud shortcut on the podium computer and log into your iClicker account.

  2. Select the desired course and click Start Class or create an Event for a general audience or non-student session to initiate the polling. This opens the polling widget.

  3. Drag the polling widget (the blue cloud icon) to the top right corner of the screen.

  4. Click the polling icon (the checkmark in a circle).

  5. Open your PowerPoint presentation in Slide Show mode.

  6. Click the drop-down menu to choose the question format type. Multiple choice is the default.

  7. Click Start (green play icon) on the polling widget to start polling.

  8. Click Stop (red stop icon) to stop polling.

  9. Advance to the Powerpoint next slide to poll another question.

  10. Repeat steps 6-9 as applicable for each polling question.

  11. Click the left arrow (next to the blue cloud icon) to return to the main menu.

  12. (Optional) Click End Class with Exit Poll to ask students to give post-class feedback.

  13. Click the X button to end the class.

Contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 for immediate assistance with classroom technology.

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