Grade and View Polling Results in iClicker Cloud

Grade and View Polling Results in iClicker Cloud


This article describes how to find and grade polling results using the iClicker Cloud instructor website.


  1. Log in to the iClicker Cloud instructor website and click on your Course Name.
  2. From the Session History, select the polling activity you want to view or grade.

View Poll Details

  1. Click on a question image to expand the question. Close will return you to the session.
  2. You can remove a question by clicking the three dots to the right of the question title and selecting Delete Question.

Grade Questions

  1. Click on a question title to open the grading panel.
  2. In the panel that opens, you can grade ungraded questions or edit previously graded questions. You can also navigate through the questions you asked in the poll using the arrows.

Manage Poll Settings

  1. To modify the settings for an individual session, click Poll Settings in the upper-right corner of the page.
  2. You can modify the session name, sharing settings, and scoring settings.
  3. Click Save when you're done editing.

View Student Grades

Click Grades to view individual student grades for the session.

Edit Student Grades

  1. Click Grades to view individual student grades for the session.
  2. Click on an individual student score to edit it.
  3. Adjust points as needed and see a record of the adjustment next to Total Points. Click Save.

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