Delete an iClicker Course

Delete an iClicker Course


In future releases, you will be able to archive your classes within the iClicker Cloud application. For now, we recommend removing last semester’s course to ensure students will find the correct course.


  • Select last semester’s course from your course list in the iClicker Cloud application

  • Click on the trash can image in the lower left-hand corner

  • Confirm the deletion

Once you confirm the deletion, the course will be removed from your course list and archived on our servers. Students with an active iClicker subscription who have previously joined the class will still have access to the course history, but they will no longer be able to join sessions.

If you need to re-access your deleted course, please contact support@iclicker.com.

If you would like to maintain your own archive of your course, you should export your Session Results.  Save this file to a preferred location like a USB flash drive or your hard drive. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

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