QM 8.1 Course navigation facilitates ease of use. (Essential)

QM 8.1 Course navigation facilitates ease of use. (Essential)

This standard emphasizes the importance of intuitive and consistent navigation throughout the online course to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, can easily access and use the course materials without unnecessary difficulty. The principle behind this standard is that well-structured and thoughtfully designed course navigation enhances the learning experience by reducing confusion and frustration, allowing students to focus more on the content, rather than how to access it.

Refresh Your Course

General Suggestions

  • Content is broken up into organized segments (e.g. weeks or modules).

  • Content is labeled with numbered sequencing or descriptive titles to aid navigation (e.g., 2.01 Readings and Multimedia).

  • Course links work properly, are effectively used to navigate content, and describe the destination of the link (for example, use “ Article Name, Author” or the name of the destination web page (e.g., “Today’s local weather forecast”) instead of "click here”).

  • This standard looks at the course or modules as a whole.

Faculty Development Opportunities

  • Intro to Online Course Design Course

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