Video Settings

Video Settings


This article lists the video options in Zoom and what each option does.

Option Name


Option Name


Aspect Ratio

Select to share camera in 16:9 (widescreen) or original ratio.

Enable HD

Forces 16:9 ratio and will share HD video when certain conditions are met.

Enable mirror effect

Flips the video output of your camera.

Enable Hardware Acceleration

Check this setting if you're having CPU bottlenecking issues when using Zoom. This will use the hardware to encode and decode video instead of Zoom software.

Touch up my appearance

Applies a slight blur effect to your video, which can smooth out the lighting.

Display participant's name on their video

Shows the name of each participant in the bottom left corner of video window.

Turn off my video when joining a meeting

Camera will default to being off when joining meetings.

Hide Non-Video participants

Selecting this option will turn off the video window box of participants who joined without video. Their name will still be displayed when they speak.

Spotlight my video when I speak

Display your own video locally when you speak.

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