Add a Course as a Student

Add a Course as a Student


The next step after creating an account is to add your courses. You can add a course prior to attending class if your instructor has already created that course.

Physical clickers are no longer supported at Boise State. We recommend using mobile devices (laptops, cell phones, and tablets) for engaging synchronously and asynchronously. 


  • Click the plus sign in the upper right corner

  • Find your institution – iClicker Reef automatically starts returning matches to your search as you enter your institution’s name. The more you enter in the search field, the more you filter the results to narrow the returned matches

  • Find your course

Search for your instructor’s name, the full name of your course, or the abbreviation and then select your course

Carefully review the course(s) that are returned from your search and select your desired course.

There may be multiple courses with similar names, or instructors may have the same name. Check that the course details match your course to be sure you add the correct one.

  • Confirm that you selected the correct course

  • Select the "Add this Course" button to confirm that this is the correct course

Your instructor is only required to provide the institution name and course title. You may not see information provided for the other fields.

  • Review your course(s)

Once selected, the course information appears in the "Courses" window.  From here you can join a polling session for a course and review previous results.

If you selected the wrong course or you drop a course, use the control to the right of the course title to access the delete option.

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