Module and Course Survey Questions

Module and Course Survey Questions

When working on your plan for Course Evaluation and Student Feedback, the matter of which questions to ask and how to format them can be challenging to some. For that purpose, this article provides a number of sample questions for consideration. Depending on your use of the question, they may need to be edited for tense, for consistency with your course, and for your identified needs.

Module Survey Question Examples

Module surveys appear at the conclusion of each module in the course and are especially important to gather feedback when a course is first being taught. Here are some possible questions. Use these as is or modify them for your needs.

  • Please rate your level of satisfaction with this module.

    • Very Satisfied

    • Somewhat satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Somewhat dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  • Please explain your answer to question 1.

  • How many hours did you spend on this module?

    • 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, More than 13.

  • Which activities in the module were of most help to you and why?

  • Which aspects of this module were the least helpful to you and why?

  • Is there anything else you would like the instructor(s) to know about your experience with this module?

Module Survey Question Examples

Rating Scale

The student selects their level of agreement with the statement. (Strongly Agree; Agree; Neither Agree nor Disagree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree)

  • This course helped me learn how to communicate effectively in speech, both as a speaker and listener.

  • This course helped me learn how to engage in effective critical inquiry by defining problems, gathering and evaluating evidence, and determining the adequacy of argumentative discourse. This course helped me learn how to think creatively about complex problems in order to produce, evaluate, and implement innovative possible solutions, often as one member of a team.

  • This course helped me learn how to analyze ethical issues in personal, professional, and civic life and produce reasoned evaluations of competing value systems and ethical claims.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge of cultural differences to matters of local, regional, national, and international importance, including political, economic, and environmental issues.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge and the methods of reasoning characteristic of mathematics, statistics, and other formal systems to solve complex problems.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge and the methods characteristic of scientific inquiry to think critically about and solve theoretical and practical problems about physical structures and processes.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge and methods characteristic of the visual and performing arts to explain and appreciate the significance of aesthetic products and creative activities.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge and the methods of inquiry characteristic of literature and other humanities disciplines to interpret and produce texts expressive of the human condition.

  • This course helped me learn how to apply knowledge and the methods of inquiry characteristic of the social sciences to explain and evaluate human behavior and institutions.

  • This course helped me learn how to write effectively in multiple contexts for a variety of audiences.

  • I was able to successfully use all of the technologies used to deliver this course. There were no technical problems that affected my ability to learn.

  • During each week of this course, I was able to motivate myself to study hard and complete all of my assignments even when I had other commitments.

  • I am confident I will be able to learn and apply what I learned in this course.

  • As you consider your answer to this question, think about how you might use what you have learned to:

    • prepare for other classes you will take to achieve your educational goals; 

    • succeed in your current or future work activities; 

    • be a contributing member of your local, state, national, and global communities; or 

    • enrich your personal life.

  • I enjoyed the learning activities in this course.

Selected Response

  • On average, how many hours did you spend each week studying and working on assignments? (All responses to this question are correct.)

    • 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, More than 13.

  • What grade would you give yourself for this course? Note: In self-reporting your grade for this course, consider your level of participation in the learning activities, your completion of all the assignments, and the quality of your work. All responses to this question will be counted as "correct." You will receive full points for any answer you select. The Boise State University grading information listed with each answer may help you determine a fair grade for this course.

    • A, B, C, D, F  

    • (Add more detailed options, as desired. It may be useful to compare hours invested and self-reported grades) 

  • What aspects of this course do you think are especially good?

  • What aspects of this course do you think could be improved? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

  • What changes could be made to the course to increase your motivation to complete the learning activities?

  • What would you change about this course to make it a more effective learning experience for you and others?

  • What do/did you value most about this course?

  • What do you think of the textbook selected for the course?

  • Please identify any learning materials, activities, or assessments in this course that you thought were ineffective and did not contribute to your learning of the course or module objectives. What would you suggest be done to make these more effective for you and others? 

  • What advice would you give to future students to help them succeed in this course?

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