Student Background and Goals Questionnaire

Student Background and Goals Questionnaire

This page provides a sample of a student questionnaire in order to learn more about the student’s background and learning goals. If you are working with eCampus Center on the design or development of your online course, eCampus Center staff can provide a template with the sample questions shared below.


Just like faculty, each student has a unique history of experiences and opportunities that contribute to their engagement and success in the online classroom. It makes sense that each one is at a different stage and will develop at a rate that is consistent with their interests, motivations, personal challenges, and environment. Consider having your students complete a confidential Getting to Know You Survey in the first week of class. This will help you identify your high-need students and help you connect with them. 

  • The Canvas Graded Survey option is used when you want to credit students for completion. Individual questions are not scored.

  • In order to see individual responses, remember to leave the option to Keep Submissions Anonymous unchecked.

  • Number your questions in Canvas to ensure the desired sequence.

  • A lengthy question bank follows. Please review, select, and adapt the instructions, questions, and survey length based on activities and content that are most relevant to your course.

Sample Survey Instructions

Please complete this questionnaire so that I can get to know you better and learn about your goals for this course. I know some of these questions are very personal, and we don’t know each other (yet). I am asking you these questions because I care and want to be able to support you in your learning as best as I can. You may choose to skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. Your information will not be shared outside of this course. 

Sample Survey Questions

These are suggestions for questions. An instructor may add or remove questions as needed.

  1. What name and pronouns do you use? Here is why Pronouns Matter

  2. What is the best way to reach you? (If email, text or phone, please provide). When is the best time to reach you?

  3. Which of the following describes you? (select all that apply)

    1. This is my first semester/year in college.

    2. I am the first in my family to attend college.

    3. This is my first time taking an online course.

    4. I work more than 20 hours per week.

    5. I am a caretaker for at least one other person.

    6. English is not my first language.

    7. None of the above.

  4. What is your experience level with the topics described in the syllabus, both personal and academic?

    1. No prior experience

    2. Beginner

    3. Proficient

    4. Expert

  5. Why are you taking this course? What do you hope to gain?

  6. Do you have a job aside from being a student? If so, what do you do?

  7. What's the one thing that is most likely to interfere with your success in this course? Is there anything you could do to address it? How can I be of assistance?

  8. How many asynchronous online courses have you previously completed?

    1. None, this is my first asynchronous course

    2. 1-2

    3. 3-5

    4. 6 or more

  9. How many course credit hours are you taking this term?

    1. This is my only course

    2. 4-6

    3. 7-9

    4. 10 or more

  10. How comfortable are you building citations in text and in a reference list?

    1. No prior experience

    2. Beginner

    3. Proficient

    4. Expert

  11. Think about your experience working in groups. Please select the one response that best suits your experience.

    1. I enjoy working in groups because my group members usually help me understand the material and tasks and therefore I can perform better.

    2. I do not enjoy working in groups because I prefer working on my own and having control of the assignment.

    3. I have little or no experience working in groups.

  12. Please indicate your level of experience with Zoom or other web conferencing tools to meet with someone online.

    1. No prior experience

    2. Beginner

    3. Proficient

    4. Expert

  13. Please indicate your level of experience using Google Docs to type, edit, format, and share documents.

    1. No prior experience

    2. Beginner

    3. Proficient

    4. Expert

  14. If you encounter issues that cause you to fall behind in the course, what steps are you most likely to take? (check all that apply)

    1. Notify the instructor

    2. Ask classmates for help

    3. Ask family/friends for help/support

    4. Work with your advisor or other Boise State Student Services

Additional Note in Quiz or Introduction

Thank you for sharing your responses to my questions. This information helps me get to know you better and learn about your goals for this course so I can better address them.

If there is anything else you would like to share with me, please contact me using the method outlined in the syllabus so I am sure to receive this information.


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