Access Turnitin Similarity Reports in Canvas

Access Turnitin Similarity Reports in Canvas


This article describes how to access a Turnitin similarity report for a student’s submitted assignment. Also, you can explore the New Enhanced Similarity Report


Instructors can access Turnitin similarity reports in two ways:

Through the Assignment:

  1. Select Assignments from the left course navigation menu.

  2. Click on the title of the assignment to review.

  3. On the next page, select SpeedGrader from the upper right corner of the screen.

  4. Under the time/date of the student’s submission in the upper-right, click on the similarity score in the colored box to open the report in a new tab.

Screenshot of similarity score for submitted assignment in Canvas Speedgrader
Screenshot of similarity score for submitted assignment in Canvas SpeedGrader

Through Grades:

  1. Select Grades from the left course navigation menu.

  2. Within the Grades area, locate the column for this assignment.

    1. Notice that a colored label will be located next to each submitted assignment. The colored label indicates that the submission has generated a Turnitin similarity report.

  3. Click the three dots on the assignment and then select SpeedGrader.

  4. In the upper right, under the time/date of the student’s submission, click on the similarity score in the colored box to open the report.

The report needs time to process after the student submission. If the report is not ready, a clock icon is displayed to indicate a pending report. Refresh the page to see if the similarity score has changed.

Explore the Enhanced Similarity Report

Embark on an immersive journey through the enhanced report with our web-based self-guided tour. Or check out our interactive demo, which allows you to interact with the report at your own pace and delve deeper into its features.

Pro tip: Start with the self-guided tour to familiarize yourself, then dive into the interactive demo for a hands-on exploration.

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