Enable Turnitin Plagiarism Review for a Canvas Assignment

Enable Turnitin Plagiarism Review for a Canvas Assignment


Instructors can enable the Turnitin plagiarism detection and prevention tool from the assignment details page in Canvas.

Turnitin AI detection is not available for our licensing tier. Review the Position Statement on AI Detection on the AI in Education website for more information about AI detection tools.


  1. In Canvas, click the assignment for which you’d like to enable plagiarism review.

  2. Click the Edit button to access the assignment Details page.

  3. Ensure that the Submission Type is set to Online and that the Text Entry and/or File Upload entry options are checked. Plagiarism review is not available for other entry types.

  4. Change the Plagiarism Review setting to Turnitin.

  5. Configure the desired settings for Turnitin. See the explanations below for additional details.

  6. Then click the Save button at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Turnitin Settings

Screenshot of Turnitin settings in Canvas
Screenshot of Turnitin settings in Canvas
  • [a] Exclude from Similarity Reports: Content exclusions can include removing any matches to the bibliography or any places within a document where the author has used quotes.

  • [b] Similarity Indexing: Indexed submissions will become available for comparison in future Similarity Reports. An unticked check box will still return a Similarity Report, but the papers submitted to the course will not match against any future submissions.

  • [c] Generate Similarity Reports: The default setting (Immediately and on the due date) is recommended. This setting will perform a follow-up similarity check on the due date to compare against other student submissions in the course.

  • [d] Show Student Reports: The Similarity Report can be made available to students at different points during the submission and grading process. If you make the report available to students immediately, keep in mind that report generation is always subject to a short processing delay after the submission.


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