The Backend of Bronco Learn: An Overview

The Backend of Bronco Learn: An Overview

This is a comprehensive overview of the backend of Bronco Learn for Admins and Sub-Account Admins. This Page is under construction.

Logging In


You will login by using your BSU single sign-on credentials and clicking on the Login button. 

NOTE: If you are already logged in to your email, you will be taken directly to the backend. If you are not logged in elsewhere, it will take you to the normal BSU login area. 

Click on the triangle next to your name to access the drop-down menu. Select Admin or Sub-Account Admin (depending on your access level).

Listing Page Breakdown

The backend will open in the Listings area where you will see all the Listings (courses) that you have listed or waiting to be listed. Let’s break it down.

A. Search listings text box

If you have multiple Listings (courses) and want to locate one quickly, you can use this to type the Listing (course) name, hit enter on your key board and it will bring up any Listings (courses) with that name or key word. 

B. All Listings drop-down menu

Use this drop-down to filter between your Courses and Programs. 

C. Program Button

NOTE: To create a Program, you will need to first have the Listings (courses) that you wish to include in your Program built and published in the Listings area.

This is where you will select multiple courses so that you can offer them as a package or comprehensive training to build skills. 

A how-to section is available in a different document.

D. Course button

NOTE: In order to add a Listing (course) to your Catalog, you must first create the course in Canvas.

This is the button you will use to create a new Listing for a course that you want to offer. 

A how-to section is available in a different document. 

E. Name

This is the name for public facing Listing (course). 

Other information that may be included here include:

·        Listing (course) number (#3868)

·        The certificate assigned to the course (Bronco Learn Certificate)

F. Catalog

This area will tell which Catalog the Listing (course) is currently hosted in. 

For those with multiple Catalogs this is helpful to make sure that your Listings (courses) are organized the way you intended. 

G. Order

This will show you what order the Listing (course) is shown within your Catalog. 

In this example we can see that Accessibility in the Online Classroom Round-table is hosted in the eCampus Webinars Catalog and is the first Listing (course) that participants will see in that catalog.

H. Enrolled

This will give a quick overview of how many individuals are currently enrolled in the Listing (course). 

This will not include those that have finished or dropped the Listing (course), only active participants. 

I. Visibility

This will show if the Listing (course) is visible to participants. 

If this area is blank, then the Listing (course) is not visible to participants. 

J. Enrollable

This will show you if the Listing (course) is accepting enrollments. 

If there is a check mark, the Listing (course) is accepting enrollments.

If it is blank, the Listing (course) is not accepting enrollments. 


The Listing Page Visual Help

Visual of the Listing page that was just described.

A. Search listings text box

B. All Listings drop-down menu

C. Program Button

D. Course button

E. Name

F. Catalog

G. Order

H. Enrolled

I. Visibility

J. Enrollable


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