This article demonstrates how an Instructor can grant a student extra time, double-time, or 1.5 time for a Quiz in Canvas.
Classic Quiz Instructions
Go to Canvas.
Navigate to the course you wish to work in. Select Quizzes from the Course Layout Menu.
Click on the title of the quiz you wish to work with.
In the upper right hand corner of the Quiz Details page, click on the Moderate This Quiz link.
A new window will pop up with a list of all the students names.
Select the pencil icon to the far right of the student’s name.
A new window will pop up that will allow the Instructor to customize any Quiz Settings that have been applied to the Quiz.
In this example, we want to give a student Double Time on their Quiz. The standard time is 10 minutes. In the Extra Time box, type in 10 and select Save.
Repeat for each Quiz.