FTSS Institute Readings and Videos
The lists below include the videos and readings from the Summer 2020 Tier 1 Flexible Teaching for Student Success Institute. For easier browsing, use the topic headings in the Table of Contents to jump to the corresponding section of the page.
Table of Contents
- 1 Reflecting on Experiences with Remote Teaching
- 2 Course Learning Outcomes and Modules Learning Outcomes
- 3 Universal Design for Learning
- 4 Instructor Presence
- 5 Alternative Assessments
- 6 Transparent Assessments
- 7 Providing Feedback
- 8 Formative Assessments
- 9 Active Learning Strategies
- 10 Engaging Learners either Asynchronously or Synchronously
- 11 Communicating with Students
- 12 Additional Resources
Reflecting on Experiences with Remote Teaching
The Elephant in the (Zoom) Room. Inside Higher Ed. (2020, May 20).
5 Takeaways from my Covid-19 Remote Teaching. The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2020, May 6).
Might This Be the Beginning of Education? Inside Higher Ed. (2020, April 28).
Reserved: Internet Parking. Inside HigherEd. (2020, May 8)
“The Quality Matters Bill of Rights for Online Learners.” https://qualitymatters.org/ (n.d.)
Course Learning Outcomes and Modules Learning Outcomes
Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning. YouTube. (2015, October 7).
Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning at Boise State
“Universal Design for Learning, Part 3: Principles of Engagement”
“Universal Design for Learning, Part 5: Action and Expression”
“Universal Design for Learning, Part 6: Culturally Diverse Learners”
UDL Applied for Flexible Teaching & Learning [Scenarios Document]
Instructor Presence
Interpreting what is Required for “Regular and Substantive Interaction"
Establishing Instructor Presence Through Instructor-to-Learner Interaction Strategies, Chapter 13 of Tina Stavredes’s book “Effective Online Teaching.”
Creating Instructor Presence [Video]
Alternative Assessments
Giving learners choice - UDL
Transparent Assessments
Mary-Ann Winkelmes: The basics of transparent instruction [Video]
Benefits (some unexpected) of Transparently Designed Assignments
Examples of assignments that have been redesigned to be more transparent
Providing Feedback
Formative Assessments
Seven Strategies for Using Formative Assessments in Online Learning
Vocaroo Thursday introduction
Active Learning Strategies
Types of Interaction. UC Davis. (n.d.).
UDL considerations for planning blended courses. CAST. (n.d.).
Inclusive Teaching and Learning Online. Columbia University. (n.d.).
Professors Share Ideas for Building Community in Online Classes
What I am Learning About My Students During an Impossible Semester
Engaging Learners either Asynchronously or Synchronously
Four-Step Strategy for Active Learning. Online Learning Insights. (2015, September 2).
When and How to Use Synchronous/Asynchronous Methods. Top Hat. (2020, March 19).
Conrad and Donaldson Chapter 2: Designing Online Engagement (pp. 17-26). Conrad and Donaldson. (2011).
You will need to be logged into the Albertsons Library to view this ebook chapter.
Communicating with Students
eCampus Center’s Syllabus Best Practices and template.
Communicating Compassionately During COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed. (2020, May 28).
Creating a Culture of Caring. Association of College and University Educators. (n.d.).
Additional Resources
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