Filtering Rows and Columns in the Gradebook
The Filter menu allows the Gradebook to be filtered by assignment group, section and modules. When a filter option is selected, the filter displays at the top of the Gradebook. Multiple filters can be used at the same time.
In the Course Navigation Menu, click the Grades link.
By default, the Gradebook shows all active students. To search for students by name or SIS ID, enter your search query in the Search Students field. This field allows multiple student names to be filtered simultaneously. Selecting a student filters the Gradebook to display only that student's row. If multiple students are selected, rows display for all selected students.
By default, the Gradebook shows all assignments. To search for assignments, enter an assignment name in the Search Assignments field. This field allows multiple assignment names to be filtered simultaneously.
Click the Apply Filters button. Then, you can either [[create and manage filter presets]] or filter the grade book by Modules, Assignment Groups, Student Groups, Status, Submissions, and Assignment Dates. More than one filter can be applied at any time.
To remove a filter, click the Remove icon next to the filter name.