Pressbooks Guide for Educators: Find OER to Adopt and Adapt


This guide offers an overview and introduction to Pressbooks for Boise State and non-Boise State educators. Resources are provided on using Pressbooks to create OER, curricular content, and interactive learning activities.

Find OER offers a list of places to find OER content that can be adopted and adapted.

Instructors can find OER in a variety of resources. Most OER organizations or collaborations have a database or central list of resources. The list below can be used as a starting point for faculty in any discipline. Not all of the learning materials in these repositories and sources are OER for modifying, but most of the content is freely available under Fair Use and/or with attribution.

Where can I find OER to adopt, adapt, remix, and reuse?


Recorded Lectures & Video Tutorials Search

Open Textbooks

Modular Course Components

Complete Courses

OER and OCW Search Engines


Discipline Specific Resources



Language Learning


Social Sciences

Nursing and Allied Health

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