Pressbooks Guide for Educators: Find OER to Adopt and Adapt
This guide offers an overview and introduction to Pressbooks for Boise State and non-Boise State educators. Resources are provided on using Pressbooks to create OER, curricular content, and interactive learning activities.
Find OER offers a list of places to find OER content that can be adopted and adapted.
Instructors can find OER in a variety of resources. Most OER organizations or collaborations have a database or central list of resources. The list below can be used as a starting point for faculty in any discipline. Not all of the learning materials in these repositories and sources are OER for modifying, but most of the content is freely available under Fair Use and/or with attribution.
Where can I find OER to adopt, adapt, remix, and reuse?
Recorded Lectures & Video Tutorials Search
Open Textbooks
Modular Course Components
Complete Courses
OER and OCW Search Engines
Discipline Specific Resources
My Open Math Provides free problem sets for practice. Almost ten textbooks already designed for courses.
American Institute of Mathematics: Approved Open Textbooks List Over 15 open textbooks covering different levels of calculus, algebra, and statistics.
Scottsdale (AZ) Community College Math Blog Free links and pre-developed courses used at Scottsdale.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) A basic search for OA books, including OA textbooks.
Open Humanities Press Open books and journals, mostly on theoretical topics/ frameworks.
Art Images for College Teaching University of Michigan compilation of images for teaching or assignment purposes.
Art on the Web: Links on Art and Architecture Paintings and sculptures organized by century.
Language Learning
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning Foreign language resources and activities -- more heavily covers the romance languages
National Science Digital Library Provides a robust search to limit by activity type, media format, and age level.
PLOS One More advanced, specific science resources that are open and could be used in a classroom setting.
AMSER: Applied Math and Science Educational Repository Funded by the NSF and organized by large LC headings.
The Chem Collective Created by a group of faculty and staff at Carnegie Mellon to help those teaching/ learning Chemistry.
Scitable by Nature Education A free science library and personal learning tool. Currently concentrates on genetics and cell biology.
Social Sciences
Open Acess Publishing in European Networks Contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Nursing and Allied Health
HEAL (Health Education Assets Library) Images, videoclips, animations, presentations, and audio files that support healthcare education