Monitor Response Rates for Course Evaluations

This article covers how instructors view response rates in Blue for course evaluations while in progress.


From email:

  1. Open the monitor response rates task linked from your Boise State email titled “Monitor Response Rates”

By logging in to Blue:

  1. Sign in to

  2. Select Home

  3. Open the View and Manage Questionnaire task for a certain course from your task list


  • Click the three dots (…) to View Respondents and see who received the evaluation

  • Click the three dots (…) and Settings, then click Preview Questionnaire to see a copy of the evaluation questions

Response Rate Features

(a) Response rate details - Indicates the number of participants who were:

  • Invited - The total number of students invited to complete the evaluation.

  • Started - The number of students who started but did not submit the evaluation.

  • Responded - The number of students who submitted the evaluation.

  • Opted Out - The number of students who chose to opt-out of the evaluation.

(b) Refresh icon - Refreshes response data to most accurately reflect the most recent changes in the response rate.

screenshot of Blue response rate monitoring

Note: Information about individual students' evaluation completion status is not available due to the student privacy policies and guidelines set by the Office of the Provost.

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