H5P is an easy way to create interactive multimedia content that can be embedded in Canvas or other LMS pages. This page walks you through steps to create your own H5P content using a plug-in through Pressbooks which is free with your Boise State email. |
H5P is currently not a Boise State University supported tool but is currently being evaluated by LTS. User interactions and score results can be viewed but are NOT captured through Canvas using this method. |
Table of Contents
H5P is an easy way to create interactive multimedia content that can be embedded in Canvas or other LMS pages. This page walks you through steps to create your own H5P content using a plug-in through Pressbooks which is free with your Boise State email.
Watch an introduction to Pressbooks presentation including some H5P usage below.
See also:
H5P Examples and Downloads - view working H5P examples
H5P Accessibility and Support Table - understand which content types aren’t accessible, maintained or browser supported
Multimedia Sandbox - view working H5P examples created by eCampus Multimedia
Need access? Self-enroll: https://boisestatecanvas.instructure.com/enroll/CE6LYG
Pressbooks User Guide - H5P Interactive Content using Pressbooks
If you navigate to h5p.com you will see information for a free trial. You do not need to join their website or pay for hosting. You can do everything through Boise State's Pressbooks account.
If you are new to Pressbooks and want to learn more visit https://boisestate.pressbooks.pub/.
Click Sign In (upper-right) using your normal Boise State account login credentials
It is recommended you create a separate book for each of your courses to manage H5P content. If you’ve already created a book, click My Catalog under Dashboard, left-hand nav to choose where you want to add your H5P content.
Click Admin
Click Create a New Book
Fill out the form and click Create Book
From your book’s homepage click Admin
Click Plugins from the left-hand nav
Click Activate under H5P
From your book’s admin page, click H5P button
Click Add New
There are a number of different content types to choose from. Each one offers built-in documentation and examples to help get you started.
Official H5P documentation ----> https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/the-basics , https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/tutorials
The simplified steps:
Select the content type you'd like to create
Install different types as needed
Follow the presented steps or form to build
Click Create
Navigate to All H5P Content from your course Pressbook
Choose the interactive you wish to add
Click the <>Embed button on the bottom left of the window
Copy the embed code shown
Navigate to the Canvas page or assignment where you want to add
Click Edit
Click the Embed button in the rich content editor menu and paste in code
Click Submit
Click Save
Check that you are an Administrator of the Pressbook you are trying to work in. If you are in the Author role, your control over H5P content will be more limited. (You won't be able to add new H5P content types for example.)