This article is an introduction to using Pressbooks at Boise state


Pressbooks provides a simple solution for creating and sharing digital books. You can use Pressbooks to publish textbooks, scholarly monographs, syllabi, fiction and non-fiction books, white papers, and more in multiple formats

With Pressbooks, faculty can find, adapt, create, and contribute to educational content that is customizable, accessible, interactive, and, if the author chooses, free. Pressbooks supports non-disposable, open, accessible, interactive, and customizable content and courseware.

To get a Pressbooks account:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Sign In (upper-right corner)

You now have a Pressbooks account! The username is your Boise State username and the email is your Boise State preferred email address. You’ll use Boise State SSO to sign in with your Boise State credentials.

Other Boise State users can now invite you to collaborate on their book.

Please note: non-Boise State users from other schools should contact our Help Desk for access

User Guide

The Pressbooks User Guide goes into depth on both basic and advanced features of Pressbooks, such as creating footnotes, setting up a table of contents, editing your book’s CSS, and testing your ebook across multiple platforms.

Knowledge Base

Search the Pressbooks knowledge base for articles that will show you how to use the most essential features of Pressbooks.

YouTube videos

The Pressbooks YouTube channel features tutorial videos on standard functions in Pressbooks.

It also includes a growing collection of tutorial videos on PressbooksEDU features. You can find those in this playlist. This PressbooksEDU Demo may also help you get started.

If you are collaborating on a book, first contact the owner of the Book. They may need to make some settings adjustments for you to have full edit access to the Book.

Contact the Boise State Helpdesk. Include the name of the book you’re working on, the owner of the book, and a description of the issue. A ticket will get escalated to the Learning Technology Solutions team.

For a consultation on OER and publishing, contact Boise State’s OER Librarian at