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 In this guide we will be helping the computer better understand how you speak will enable access to accurate captions under your recorded videos. By utilizing this training, software such as Camtasia Studio and TechSmith Relay will be able to use this information for a more smooth voice recording process. 


  • In the “Search” SearchField type “Speech Recognition”Speech Recognition

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  • When opening this application for the first time, the setup wizard will pop up. Please note: if no microphone is currently installed an error box will pop up in place of the setup wizard. Please plug in the microphone and reopen the setup wizard.

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  • Following the “Next” Nextbutton will bring up your first speech recognition training for the initial setup. Using the microphone, speak the sentence noted in the setup wizard.

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  • Upon completion of the setup wizard, open up the search field again and open “Speech Speech Recognition,” not “Windows Speech Recognition” This will now open the window seen below. In order to continue to train your voice to better help your computer recognize certain words, click on the “Train your computer to better understand you”

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  • Upon opening the link and selecting the next button, the training software will begin. Simply begin speaking the required phrases to complete the training.

Image ModifiedVoice Training window. Speak the instructions and follow the progress bar on the bottom half of the window.Image Modified

  • Your voice profile should now be configured and trained. Continue to use this software and the accuracy will only continue to improve!
