(3): Add Content through the Library
Select the blue arrow and upload a file from your computer, take a snapshot of a web page, or add a video.
(4): Create Assignments
Select the blue arrow and create Assigments in Perussal that will automatically appear in your Canvas Gradebook.
Click on “Create Assignments” to go to the Knowledge Article
Further Teaching Resources:
What instructions can I provide to students?
First, you can download and modify a one-page rubric that explains what Perusall is, how it works, and how students are graded. (You may need to edit this document to reflect the scoring settings you have set for your course.)
You can also provide students with a set of example annotations with associated quality scores and an explanation for each score, to help them get a feel for what sorts of comments and questions they should be posting.
Have a suggestion?
Email us! lts@boisestate.edu